Gone But Not Forgotten -
5 Ways To Remember Your Loved One
People have used a ceremony to help with the acceptance of change for years. In our nation, we use the memorial service to honor the deceased and console the living. After the memorial service, many of us continue to need help around Thanksgiving, Christmas, anniversaries, birthdays, and momentous occasions that bring back the feelings of sorrow. Personal tribute ceremonies can be useful at these times.
Even though we are physically separated from our loved ones by death, we continue to feel a spiritual connection. While we gather the items needed and perform the observance, we recall the person and honor that connection. We let go of the anxiety we may have been holding on to.
Here are the 5 ideas:
• Writing a message on a helium balloon and releasing it in a special place.
• Writing a letter to the person no longer present.
• Planting a tree in honor of a loved one.
• Telling stories about your loved one.
• Lighting a candle, saying a prayer, offering a toast, putting out a picture or having a particular kind of food your loved one liked on a special occasion
It is key to celebrate the relationship in a significant way by taking your time, honoring your loved one, and closing the ceremony by thinking about how you have been touched by this person.
May your recollections provide comfort and warmth as you walk this personal journey of recovery.
(361) 575-5900 office